Footage Kasepuhan Palace It wouldn't hurt to visit the Cirebon Kesepuhan Palace while we are there to learn more about the history of one of the kingdoms that helped to spread Islam throughout the archipelago. The price per person for the Keraton tour entrance ticket is 15,000 IDR. We may pay IDR 15,000 per person to visit the museum, which is situated within the palace complex, and view a variety of artifacts and heirlooms from the palace. However, tourists who don't want to deal with the hassle can purchase a pass ticket, specifically a tour that includes viewing the museum collection, for IDR 20,000 per person. There will be a guide available to provide you with a thorough explanation of the palace's contents and history when you visit. So take my suggestion and employ their services if you want to learn more about this palace. When I visited this palace for my final semester project, one of our group mem...
Student of English Literature, 2nd year. Chill, enjoy, and relaxed guys!